Nerf Crossbows are yet another fun outdoor play for your kids. All crossbows manufactured are inspired by its already popular line of blasters. They have everything that would keep your child entertained and keep him away from his PlayStation. Here are the reviews of best Nerf crossbow in 2020.
1. Nerf Zombie Strike Crossfire Bow Blaster

Zombie Strike Crossfire Bow Blaster is the most popular crossbow manufactured by Nerf. Make mock wars with all those ‘zombies’ with the help of plastic darts that are completely safe if not operated at a close range. Also, it has real time crossbow string action and an easy trigger mechanism. It is also durable and made of completely safe materials.
2. Nerf N-Strike Blazin’ Bow Blaster

Blazin Bow Blaster is a part of N-strike range by Nerf. It is ideal for children older than five years because the bow’s string might not be easily pulled back by very young children. It also comes with three plastic arrows, which achieve a good velocity and distance.
3. Nerf Mega Thunder Bow Blaster

Nerf Mega Thunder Bow Blaster fires five darts without reloading and comes equipped with ten darts. It has a real bow action and the darts can cover a distance of about 100 feet. The light weight and rapid dart action also makes this really popular among all children.
4. Star Wars Nerf Chewbacca Bowcaster

Inspired by Star Wars, this Chewbacca Bowcaster comes equipped with many features like: dart holder, five darts, bow arms and even a safety feature, that does not let the trigger to operate until the dart is in its proper position. It also has a real cross bow action, the darts can travel a maximum distance of twenty meters.
5. Nerf Rebelle Agent Bow Blaster

Designed exclusively for girls, Nerf Rebelle Agent Bow Blaster comes a set of three purple coloured message darts. The Nerf arrows can also fly up to a distance of eighty-five feet and make a whistling sound as they leave the Nerf bow.
These were the top five crossbows that would not only make all outdoor play exciting for your kid but will also give him some much-needed exercise.
History of Nerf Crossbows
Nerf started in the year 1969 and steadily grew popular from the year of its conceptualization through its popular board games like Monopoly, Clue and some toys like Nerf super ball.
In 1989, Nerf introduced its most popular product – Nerf Blaster, which raised its popularity tenfold. In 1990, bows were incorporated with blasters with the introduction of ‘Bow and Arrow’ blasters. This toy’s popularity later led to the introduction of many Nerf crossbows, with real time bow action, unlike its famous predecessor.
Over the years, Nerf crossbows have increasingly become popular, with Nerf introducing many variations of the same like Nerf bow and arrow.
Nerf Crossbow Buying Guide
If you are among the cool 90s kid, then you must know there was no greater feeling than pointing your Nerf gun at your friends and dramatically saying, ‘’it’s NERF or nothing’.
NERF stands for Non-Expanding Recreational Foam – it’s a legendary toy brand designed by the Parker Brothers. The Nerf guns loaded with foam and rubber bullets became an iconic game for most 90s kids and remain the same with their various other toys.
One such toy is the Nerf Crossbow which has become increasingly popular and if you want to expand your Nerf collection – then you must get a Nerf Crossbow (or a Nerf Bow and Arrow).
There are a few things to consider before you buy a Nerf crossbow which we will discuss below.
1. Crossbow Type
Nerf designed the crossbow blasters in many series – for instance, the Nerf N-Strike Elite CrossBolt Blaster launched in 2015 which is the only crossbow in the Elite series as of 2020. The Elite crossbow is string-powered and does not utilize a plunger system while launching darts. If you want your kids to have a real crossbow experience, then choose the Elite blaster.
Nerf Crossbow for Girls
All Nerf blasters are gender-friendly, but if you want a Nerf crossbow for girls that looks chic then you must buy the Nerf Rebelle FocusFire Crossbow. The Rebelle FocusFire is available in bright pink and purple colors. They are the most popular toys purchased among young girls who are inspired by their fictional bow and arrow queen – Katniss Everdeen.
2. Darts
The darts included in your baster should be on your top priority list as they are a major element of your crossbow. Typically, there are three types of Nerf darts:
- Traditional Nerf Darts
Are the smallest and the safest of all darts. Easy to shoot, come in various designs.
- Nerf Mega Darts
Are larger and powerful compared to traditional darts.
- High Impact Round Darts
Are the fastest and hard-hitting round-shaped foam balls. Not suitable for kids under 14 years of age.
Nerf darts are further sub-categorized under the three main dart types, giving you a wide variety of choice. Furthermore, once you select your choice of Nerf crossbow, you should make sure if the darts are available to you locally or if you will have to buy those online.
3. Firing Range
Not considering the firing range of your crossbow blaster could be the reason that you lose in a Nerf war. Choose a crossbow with a range compatible with you and your opponent’s game style.
For instance, if you choose to play with Nerf blasters and your Nerfer gang are competitive then you should buy the Nerf Elite Blaster as it has a firing range of up to 90 feet, the dart will reach your opponent so fast they won’t have the time to run.
4. Size and Weight
The size and weight of your crossbow blaster matter the most. Most of the Nerf crossbows are, however, lightweight but when you are buying for young kids, it’s an important factor because if they can’t hold their crossbow comfortably it could slow their game.
5. Tactical Rail
The tactical rail feature allows you to customize your crossbow’s with various accessories such as scopes for accuracy, shields to protect yourself from the opponent’s target, flip-up sights to determine the distance and many more.
You should customize your crossbow with accessories which won’t just make it look cool but will also improve your game.
6. The Appearance
Your priority when purchasing a crossbow should be on how well it can perform. Its preference of color, design and style are secondary.
But a crossbow with a unique design and color combination (instead of the traditional orange and blue) looks cool to play with. Fortunately, Nerf crossbows come in various styles and bright color combinations.
Nerf Crossbows Brand Lines
Nerf produces all its products under different sub-brands. Also, these brands are unique on their own and have different features. Whatever be your child’s interest, Nerf has got it all covered through its different brand lines. The three-main brand line producing crossbows are as follows:
- N-Strike Elite
N-Strike is Nerf’s main blaster line and has gone through many changes in the past. It has also continued to produce a wide range of popular blasters and crossbows, which are much loved by kids all around the world. Orange, blue and white are its trademark colors. Some of the examples are: Nerf N-Strike Blazin’ Bow Blaster etc.
- Zombie Strike
It is based on the popular game- Humans vs. Zombies and is one of Nerf’s most popular lines among all young age groups and genders, Zombie strike crossbows have been highly reviewed all around the world. It also won the best action toy award at UK’s toy fair in 2014. Some of the examples are: Crossfire Bow Blaster etc.
- Nerf Rebelle
Nerfs Rebelle line produces blasters and crossbows keeping young girls in mind. The noteworthy features of this line are its design, additional features and feminine pastel colors. Some of the examples are: Nerf Rebelle Agent Bow Blaster etc.
There are other brand lines under Nerf which produce crossbows but the above three are the most popular ones.
How Safe Are They?
All products from Hasbro are tested for safety and made from hazard free plastic. If all the instructions given in the manual are followed properly then it is extremely safe to use. One more thing to note is that while buying any crossbow – check if that product is suitable for kid’s age. Many crossbows/blasters are meant for children eight years and up because some of them do contain chokable parts that may harm small children.
Nerfs darts are made of soft plastic, with blunt tips and are extremely safe to use. But do take care not to fire them at a very close range or directly point them on somebody’s eyes to avoid injury.
Your child is free to run amok with Nerf’s wonderful range of crossbows if he follows all the instructions as given in the manual.
Neft Crossbow Safety Measures For Kids
There are several safety instructions which you must follow in case you are buying the Nerf Crossbow for kids.
- Make sure your kid can hold their blaster comfortably and are not struggling to balance it against their body.
- The Nerf darts are usually made from foam but it can still hurt. Ensure your kids won’t aim at a person’s eye or other sensitive areas.
- Keep the small parts of a Nerf blaster away from the reach of kids below the age of 5 as they may swallow it.
- Ask your kids to not look down the blaster’s firing point, to avoid eye injuries.
- Teach your kids to not shoot the darts at animals or people who are not a part of the game.
Until and unless you aren’t convinced that your child can safely manage and play with it – don’t buy it for them.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Nerf Crossbows Age-Friendly?
The best part about any Nerf guns is that they are ‘age’ and gender friendly – this includes the crossbows too. But you shouldn’t purchase a Nerf blaster for kids below 8 years to be on the safer side.
Does A Nerfer Require Protective Equipment?
Nerf blasters don’t cause serious injuries if you are an experienced player. You could purchase safety goggles and a face shield for your children to avoid them getting hurt and ruining the fun.
Do Nerf Crossbows Make Any Noise?
The crossbow blasters make almost no noise. The noise produced will probably be of the laughs and cries which you and your teammates could make.
Are Batteries Required To Run A Nerf Crossbow?
Although most Nerf crossbows are manually operated, but there are a few blasters which run on batteries. Thus, if you go after those models; then it is required for you to purchase additional batteries after use.